

Natura Urbana - Die Brachen von Berlin (2017) – Filmvorführung

Donnerstag, 15. Dezember 2022, 17:00-0:00
Grüne Grotte
Gebäude 20.40
Englerstraße 7
76131 Karlsruhe

NATURA URBANA | THE BRACHEN OF BERLIN tells the post-war history of Berlin through its plants.

The film takes us from the Trümmerlandschaften and their unique ecologies to the abandoned roofs of the Friedrichshagen Waterworks on the edge of the city. Encountering an extraordinary variety of spontaneous vegetation from all over the world that has sprouted along railway lines, street corners, and in the distinctive Brachen of Berlin.


The Brachen of Berlin are unique. Emerging from war-time destruction, economic malaise, and geo-political division, these ostensibly empty sites evolved into laboratories for botanists, artists, and ordinary people seeking respite from the city.
Today, however, these unusual spaces are fast disappearing. Natura Urbana explores the spontaneous diversity of plants in these spaces to illuminate the city’s complex history through the postwar period until the contemporary era.


Eine Veranstaltung der Professur Landschaftsarchitektur.

ARCH-FAK Kalenderadmin
Fakultät Architektur
Englerstraße 7
76131 Karlsruhe
E-Mail: frank metzger does-not-exist.kit edu

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