Scholarship of the Einwächter Family Foundation

The scholarship of the Einwächter Family Foundation has been awarded every semester since the summer semester 2019. The scholarship is endowed with 500 euros and is to be used for a study trip.

Summer semester 2021

David Leber
Travel: The railway station as a place
Prof. Christian Inderbitzin / Prof. Meinrad Morger

Winter semester 2020/2021

Moritz Laros
Schutzraum Archäologie - Research Centre and Display Depot in the High Bunker at Augustinerhof
(Prof. Meinrad Morger/ Prof. Dr. Riklef Rambow)

Summer semester 2020

Award Winner:
Conny Hansel
"On continue! A temporal and spatial intensification of the Bassin Louis Blanc".
Prof. Markus Neppl / Prof. Henri Bava

Summer semester 2019

In the summer semester 2019, the department awarded a scholarship from the Einwächter Family Foundation for the first time.

Steffen Hollstein was selected with his work "Hybrid high-rise - Ensemble in Manhattan", which was supervised by Prof. Meinrad Morger and Prof. Dr. Georg Vrachliotis.