All dates of info events, draft presentations, seminar selection on one page.
Learn moreInformation for new Bachelor's and Master's students on the Architecture and Art History programmes
Learn moreGet to know the award-winning building prototype RoofKIT during a guided tour at KIT Campus South.
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The History of the department dates back to the founding of the University of Karlsruhe in 1825. The tradition of the Karlsruhe department of Architecture includes numerous well-known names: from Friedrich Weinbrenner and Johann Gottfried Tulla to Heinrich Hübsch and personalities such as Egon Eiermann, Fritz Haller and Dieter Kienast. Today, our professors and a broad-based teaching staff guarantee practice-oriented and contemporary teaching for the approximately 1,000 students. The chairs are organized in four institutes: Design, Art and Theory, Design and Building Technology, Design of City and Landscape , and History of Art and Building. They offer a broad range of teaching with the possibility of setting one's own focal points. An international guest professorship expands the teaching offer every winter semester.
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The designs of the master's studio "Konstruktive Wiederverwendung / Neben Senf und Mayo" (Constructive Reuse / Next to Mustard and Mayo) of the visiting professor for Circular Building, Kerstin Müller, will be exhibited on September 13 and 14 as part of the Basel Architecture Week in the Franck-Areal in Basel.
Mehr IdazuIn the seminar "Urban typologies", students at the Chair of Urban District Planning deal with architectural journalism. Here is Louisa Herzog's architectural critique of the renovation and extension of Müller Stahlbau in Offenburg by the Grossmann Group architects.
Mehr dazuIn a new study, Katharina Blümke and Elena Boerman, academic assistants at the Chair of Sustainable Building, are investigating the possibilities for using secondary building materials in residential construction and what options are conceivable in the future.
Mehr dazuMaster's graduate Andrea Santos was awarded the Sparkassen-Umwelt-Preis 2023 for her thesis "Vor dem Fest".
Mehr dazuDie KIT-Fakultät für Architektur steht für ein respektvolles Miteinander und Vielfalt. Die Poster der "We Love" Reihe gibt es im Dekanat (R135) zu kaufen. 1 Poster: 2 Euro / alle drei: 5 Euro. Montags bis Donnerstags 9 bis 12 Uhr.
Der Verein „KIT Freundeskreis und Fördergesellschaft e.V.“ (KFG) vergibt jährliche Preise an Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter des KIT aus der Verwaltung, Infrastruktur oder den infrastrukturnahen Einrichtungen der Wissenschaft sowie aus dem nichtakademischen Nachwuchs für besonders herausragende Unterstützungsleistungen für die Wissenschaft.
Mehr dazuAuf sind ab sofort ausgewählte Masterthesen aus dem Sommersemester 2023 veröffentlicht.
Link_moreEvery semester, architects give an insight into their work as part of a series of public lectures.
Learn moreThe Southwest German Archive for Architecture and Civil Engineering is one of the most important institutions of its kind in Germany.