List of equipment and rental conditions (as of 09.2023)
Metal Study Workshop

The range of tasks of the metal study workshop includes not only classical metal processing tasks but also the area of computer-aided production of architectural models.
Under guidance, students can learn how to work with the materials metal and plastic. The offer also includes advice on questions of detailed planning, material selection as well as processing techniques in the field of architectural model or furniture construction. This gives students the opportunity to put their initially theoretical design considerations into practice.
For the computer-aided production of architectural models, students have access to a 2D CNC milling machine. This enables the precise cutting and engraving of sheet materials made of wood and plastic. With an oscillating knife, complex cuts for paper, cardboard and cardboard packaging are also possible.
One workshop course is offered per semester for a maximum of 8 participants each, focusing on the theme of light. The courses convey the practical, manual handling of materials, the haptic grasp as well as an access to plastic-spatial experiences.
For insurance reasons, a workshop introduction is required for the use of the metal workshop. The date for the introduction is to be coordinated with the workshop foreman.
In addition to the use of the workshop's own machines, it is possible to borrow styro-cutters.
Kombi: Kontakt | Kombi: Name - Tätigkeit | group | phone |
1 additional person visible within KIT only. |
Department of Architecture
Metal Study Workshop
Building 20.40
Room -115 (basement)
Englerstr. 7
76131 Karlsruhe
Opening hours:
Monday - Thursday: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., 1:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Workshop introduction by arrangement
Video tutorials
Note: The workshop introductions will only take place online via video. Once the videos have been watched, the workshop management will sign off on the workshop driving license.
Introduction: disc sander
Introduction: Impact shears
Introduction: Band saw
Introduction: pillar drill