Field of expertise Building Lifecycle Management

The research focus of the department is the development and application of methods and tools for the implementation of integrated building lifecycle management. An important starting point is the networking of technology-oriented and methodological approaches.

Based on innovative findings in architecture and construction informatics, this BLM approach combines concepts of a requirement-oriented integrative planning methodology with "virtual engineering" technologies and integrated product data modelling. By means of a continuous virtual system/building model that provides semantic information in addition to geometric information and enables networking with process- and cost-related data, vertical integration can be achieved throughout the life cycle.

Country*City - Shaping Transformation

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Petra von Both

Duration: 23 October 2017 until 22 October 2021

In the research project, the concept of a "transformative cell" is investigated and its significance as a planning object within transformation processes spanning urban-rural relationships is elaborated. Thus, the first work package with KIT participation focuses on the potential to conceptualize and initialize the instrument of the transformative cell (TC) as an intervention for sustainable municipal development, with the aim of triggering self-dynamic developments (for example, cultural, social, economic or structural) on a local or municipal scale. For this purpose, on the one hand, case-related framework conditions must be identified and qualified, which can support or also inhibit the development and continuation of transformative cells. The framework conditions are to be examined for their generalizability and strategies are to be developed as to how the framework conditions can be changed by local or external actors for the development of TC. In addition, conceptual approaches for the possible structural and content-related orientation or design of TC are to be developed depending on the local framework conditions. After the theoretical concept of TC was jointly developed in WP1, it is specified here as a planning instrument for sustainable municipal development. On the basis of the real laboratories AP4 to AP7, it is illustrated which framework conditions are conducive to the emergence of TC, or which unfavourable framework conditions are to be avoided. Based on the TC as a planning instrument, a design task will be formulated in close coordination with the real laboratories within the framework of a KIT course for advanced students of architecture. A transformative cell is to be designed for a given situation. Practical findings are expected on whether the conception of a TC is suitable in terms of a design or planning task. In the first half of 2020, selected indicators of the community will be evaluated over a period of time to measure the impact of a TC in its environment. For this purpose, an existing open source software of KIT will be further developed and supplemented by functions of data update and target benchmarking. As a result, a freely available analysis and monitoring tool is available as a beta version, which interested municipal actors can integrate into their work.

Partners: KIT BLM, Thünen Institute for Regional Development, Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment, Energy gGmbH, Kolleg für Management und Gestaltung nachhaltiger Entwicklung gGmbH, Dresden University of Technology, Regionalschatz GbR, Kunstverein monochrom, Boimig: Reallabor & VereinFunding amount:
Total: 499,500.00 €; KIT: 45,738.58 €Funder


Robert Bosch Stiftung GmbH

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EnOB BIM-based Integral Planning (BIM2LCA4IP)

Concepts and tools for a better connection of life cycle assessment and evaluation tools to a BIM-based planning process

Katharina Fischer, Jinsoo Kim, Saoussen Jouini, Katharina Graf, Sebastian Ebertshäuser, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Petra von Both

Duration: 01 June 2017 to 30 November 2019

The realization of a holistic integral planning process implies a continuous planning-accompanying evaluation and optimization of the planning object. The early use of life cycle assessment tools and sustainability evaluations represents an important basis for being able to assess planning decisions already at the conceptual level with regard to their impact on the entire life cycle of a building and to ensure good sustainability performance.
Together with the Fraunhofer IBP, the DGNB and intep AG, concepts and tools are currently being developed in the BIM-based Integral Planning project to improve the connection of life cycle assessment and evaluation tools to a BIM-based planning process.
To this end, IFC-based interfaces are being developed for connecting LCA tools to BIM models (data input) and for passing on processed LCA results data for use in various sustainability assessment systems. Special attention is paid to the applicability of LCA already in early conceptual planning phases (optimization instead of subsequent balancing).
Accordingly, analysis and assessment processes are located in a knowledge-based process and phase model. This provides empirical knowledge about which thematic aspects of sustainable planning and which sustainability requirements should be considered in which project phases in a meaningful way, and when the initiation of assessments and analyses generates the greatest planning added value.

Partners: KIT BLM (coordination), Fraunhofer Institut für Bauphysik IBP, Intep - Integrale Planung GmbH, DGNB - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges BauenAssociated
partners: ATP sustain GmbH, SAINT-GOBAIN building Glass Europe, Institut Bauen und Umwelt (IBU) e.V., Dr. Schiller und Partner GmbHFörderungsumme
KIT: 375.053,00 €Funder

The project is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) within the EnOB program.

Further information:


Development of a bidirectional interface for model-based coupling of municipal planning, simulation and analysis processes

Sebastian Ebertshäuser, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Petra von Both

Duration: 01 January 2017 to 30 November 2019

An integral planning of urban (energy) systems requires a planning-accompanying support by IT-based planning and simulation tools. However, the universal application of these digital planning tools has so far been hampered in particular by the very high effort required for the specification and acquisition of necessary data bases as well as a lack of interoperability between the systems. Within the framework of a joint research project, this problem area will be specified more precisely by means of practice-related process analyses and the technical and functional integration will be improved by the process-related specification of relevant information requirements as well as the development of a bidirectional interface based on the established virtual city model standard CityGML. As an exemplary application scenario within municipal planning processes, the designation of priority areas for the use of district heating was elaborated based on a spatial analysis of the heat demand for different development scenarios by means of a bidirectional standard-based coupling of CityGML and Modelica. Furthermore, it is evident in municipal planning that the use of energy simulations is steadily gaining importance in the field of energy, also due to improvements in IT tools used accordingly. However, a consistent application of these tools is hampered by a lack of data availability. In this respect, a variety of technical methods have been established with which the data gaps can be addressed by adding literature-based information. However, the application of these approaches often remains locally or temporally specific due to the individual implementation of individual experts on site and cannot be meaningfully generalized. Therefore, the specification of a uniform mapping concept for typological data is an important focus of the extension of the CityGML schema pursued in the research project. By providing suitable description possibilities, CityGML city models prepared according to the Application Domain Extension (ADE) developed in the project can then support municipal planning processes throughout - i.e. from the initial collection of coarse, typology-based data to the energy monitoring of the city quarters through specifically recorded (measurement) data.

Partners: KIT BLM (coordinator), RWTH Aachen E3D - Chair for Energy Efficient Building as well as E.ON ERC EBC - Institute for Energy Efficient Buildings and Indoor Climate, GEF Ingenieur AGFunding amount
(BLM share): 448,294.00 €Funder

The project is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) within the EnStadt programme under the priority EnTOOL.

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