Study exchange program
Dear exchange students,
We welcome you to the KIT-Department of Architecture. You have the opportunity to study with us for one or two semesters as an Erasmus or guest student*.
Erasmus study program:
The Erasmus program is an educational program initiated by the European Union in 1987. Its aim is the cooperation of universities at a European level. This includes the exchange of students, lecturers, and administrative staff within the European member states and other countries participating in the program.
The program offers students from a participating university the opportunity to study at a European partner university. The prerequisite for this is that both universities are in possession of the EU University Charter and have concluded a corresponding cooperation agreement, usually specific to their field of study.
Guest study program overseas at KIT:
You can study at KIT as an overseas exchange student, a DAAD scholarship holder, or a free mover.
Erasmus Student Network
ESN wants to make life easier for all the international students coming to Karlsruhe and ensure that they can make the best out of their time here. They organize a lot of events throughout the semester to bring international and local students together.
Department of Architecture international
International Coordination
Dr. Judith Reeh
Erasmus Office
Silke Marx M.A.
Office of the Dean of Studies
20.40 Room 139
0721 - 608 42155